IKEA Gift Card Scam

IKEA Gift Card Scam

An IKEA gift card scam has been blocked by our filters. The subject line reads “Get your $500 Ikea Giftcard” and prompts you to click through to the website to claim it. There are multiple malicious links and clear signs it is a fake. If you receive this email delete it immediately – the links contain malware.

Figure A shows the email in question. You can see it has a clear and simple design with emphasis around getting the receiver to click the yellow call-to-action button which links through to a malicious website. There are also two more dangerous links containing malware in the text which are hidden as unsubscribe links at the top and bottom of the email. You can check a link’s destination safely from your inbox before clicking it by hovering over it with your mouse and looking in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Mailshark IKEA Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Some other clear signs of the scam attempt include:

  • Lack of design and IKEA branding
  • Grammar and spelling mistakes
  • Irrelevant sender email address which has nothing to do with IKEA (note: most legitimate emails will come from an email address from the official domain e.g. example@ikea.com)
  • Text pushing you to visit the website to claim your voucher

If this email has reached your inbox, delete it immediately and do not click any links including the unsubscribe links as they contain malware. It is in no way associated with IKEA and you will not receive a gift card after clicking through.

Steph Kent
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