Week in Review 30 October 2015

Week in Review 30 October 2015

Another week has gone by which brings us to our week in review, summing up all the malicious emails caught by MailShark scam filters for the week ending 30th October 2015. We hope you didn’t receive any of these emails in your inbox and if you did, delete them straight away and join the MailShark Email Filtering service, which will catch them all for you.

Myer Gift Card Competition Malware Scam

MailShark Myer Giftcard Competition Malware ScamThis Myer gift card scam was another of the gift card competition tactics we have seen overused over the past few months. It pushes you to click through to a malicious website which will lead to a malware infection, so delete it straight away.




Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam

MailShark Westpac Account Info Phishing Scam Legitimate WebsiteThe most dangerous emails we see are ones like this Westpac account info phishing scam, which poses as the bank and links through to a fake online banking portal which is pretty convincing. Attempting to login to this phishing portal will compromise your personal data and allow the scammers to swipe your funds. Contact your bank branch if you think you may be at risk.

Australian Dating Spam Email

MailShark Anastasia Date Russian Women Spam EmailAn email has attempted to reach inboxes spamming and promoting an Australian dating website. Although there is no direct danger with this email, we strongly suggest taking caution with any spam natured email reaching your mailbox and deleting it immediately.

Win a Virgin Voucher Email Scam

MailShark Win a Virgin Voucher Email ScamGift card scams never seem to go away, and maybe for good reason, as this Virgin gift voucher entices you with free flights. Who wouldn’t want free flights to holiday destinations to get away on a break? But unfortunately it’s not all fun and games, this is a scam and will not only seek to obtain your personal details but infect your PC or other device with possible malware. Unsolicated offers such as this need to be deleted.

Where in the world did the bulk of these Emails come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Global Spam News Week in Review

Cybercrime Week in Review 24 October 2015

Cybercrime Week in Review 24 October 2015MailShark Cybercrime Week in Review. Analyzing Spear Phishing Attacks (#PhishLabs) Once an attack is detected, it needs to be analyzed to determine the best mitigation strategy. The objective of the Analyze phase is to quickly establish sufficient threat context to drive the appropriate next action. Magento sites targeted by Neutrino exploit kit (#CSO) […]



MailShark Ransomware Lock Laptop Digital BackgroundRansomware Operation Racked Up $325M in Damages, Security Firms Say. A group of security firms known as the Cyber Threat Alliance analyzed CryptoWall, finding that it has caused at least $325 million in damages to hundreds of thousands of victims. The latest version of the CryptoWall ransomware program has raked in more than $325 million […]



Steph Kent
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