Compare Vehicle Warranty Options Scam

Compare Vehicle Warranty Options Scam

This email promoting compare vehicle warranty options is the latest scam to be caught by MailShark spam filters. It is targeted at car owners and does not seem to be sent from a specific brand or company. Keep reading to find out more about this malicious email and be sure to delete it from your inbox if received.

Figure A is a copy of the compare vehicle warranty options scam email. The email prompts you to click through to a malicious website to view options for vehicle warranties. It is branded well for the subject and looks like a typical marketing email you would receive in the industry. The subject line reads “Vehicle Warranty Could be yours Today!”, which entices the receiver to open and read more. The sender is shown as “Auto Protection” and the email address used is clearly spam. There is more than one malicious link within this email including hyperlinks as shown in red (Figure A). Do not click any of these links and delete this email!

MailShark Compare Vehicle Warranty Options Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the malicious landing web page you will reach if any links are clicked. It is again branded well for the industry and looks like a typical landing page. It prompts you to get started now and asks you to simply enter your post code to start viewing options. Do not click anywhere on this page or fill out your post code – this is an attempt to infect your computer with malware.

MailShark Vehicle Warranty Could be yours Today Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We strongly suggest not opening any emails you receive in your inbox from an unknown or new sender – especially if you did not sign up to receive email correspondence. If you have fallen for this scam, you will need to run your anti-virus software immediately. Stay safe online and also delete any similar emails.

Steph Kent
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