Warning Email Closed Phishing Scam

Warning Email Closed Phishing Scam

A warning email closed phishing scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters trying to trick receivers into giving away their email login details. It is not branded to appear from a particular email provider but just your general email provider in an attempt to increase the chance of you entering your details on the malicious website. Keep reading to find out more about this one and be sure to delete it from you inbox.

Figure A shows the warning email closed phishing scam in question. It is mostly text and even includes a disclaimer to further convince you and give it authority. The subject line reads “Warning: Your email might be closed” and the sender is shown as “E-mail Admin”, however when looking at the email address used it is clearly spam and not related to any of the major email service providers.

The content simply reads “Your mailbox might be closed, kindly click activate to add more MB to your mailbox.” This statement is simply not true and is a ploy to get you through to a dangerous phishing website.

MailShark Warning Email Closed Phishing Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B is a safely captured screenshot of the phishing website you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. It asks you to update your email account by logging in and even includes icons at the bottom of email service providers, somehow tryin gto re-assure you of its authenticity. Do not fall for this scam – doing so will lead to your email log in data being stolen and possibly shared.

MailShark WARNING Your email might be closed Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

If your email login details are stolen you are at risk in many more ways than you may know, as your email account is normally connected to a lot of other important online accounts. Have you fallen for this scam? Change your password immediately and contact your email service providerto enquire about better security measures for your Email account.

Steph Kent
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