Week in review 17 April 2015

Week in review 17 April 2015

And so Friday rolled around. This week we had one Apple phishing email and four PayPal phishing emails. Our email filters were in a target rich environment when it came to PayPal phishing emails. Read on for our week in review. As always, you can click on a link to see the story in full, together with screenshots of the phishing emails in question.

Apple account risks termination

Apple phishing emails are popular among the phishing crafter crowd. This week’s email put the blame on the recipient. The email states that “you’ve placed your Apple ID under the risk of termination by not keeping your information up to date.” So it is your fault. This is another scam email.

Confirm information admonishes phishing email

Or your account will have restrictions imposed. That is the tone of the first email in this week’s hit parade of PayPal phishing emails. This email used a mix of genuine and fake links. Using a mixture of links is a ploy to trick users. This email is a fake.

Account expires warns phishing email

If you don’t confirm your PayPal account details in 48 hours, your account will be destroyed. This sounds like a call to action. And that is the intent of this email: to frighten and fool users. Click on the link to verify your account. This will resolve the issue. Your account will be safe from destruction. In reality, the only item that faces destruction is this phishing email. Destroy it if you see it.

Unusual activity PayPal account

Unsuccessful login attempts are the reason given for restriction of a user’s PayPal account. The email follows the standard line that your account has restrictions. You will need to click on a link and verify your account information.  At least your account won’t be destroyed for non compliance. This email is another scam.

Hello Dear Customer says phishing email

It’s nice to have a friendly touch to an email. Opening an email with the greeting “Hello Dear Customer” is not quite what most people have in mind. The final PayPal phishing email in the working week once again asked users to verify their account information. Like all the other PayPal emails this week, it is a fake.

Scott Reeves
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