Week in Review 2 October 2015

Week in Review 2 October 2015

This week, in the MailShark week in review we have again noticed an influx of bank and financial related scam emails along with a fake full mailbox phishing scam. All of these emails are extremely dangerous, so delete them from your inbox if received. Keep reading to find out a little more about each email we reported on this week and click the link to read the full article.

Fake Full Mailbox Update Email Scam

MailShark Email Upgrade Overload Visit WebsiteThe first email caught by our spam filters this week was one we have not seen much of. It claims that your mailbox is full and needs to be updated. This email is phishing for your email log in data which can lead to a chain of scams – stay safe and delete it!




ANZ New Message Notification Phishing Email

MailShark New Message Notification Visit WebsiteAn email targeted at ANZ bankers was also caught claiming you have a new message notification. It leads you to a malicious website which is a fake version of the ANZ online banking portal. Entering your log in data here will lead to your bank being hacked and your credentials shared so delete the email if received.



We Have Reviewed Your Account PayPal Scam

MailShark We have reviewed your account Visit Phishing WebsiteYet another financial related scam attempt reached inboxes this week, this time targeting PayPal users. It claims that there are some updates needed to your account and leads you to a malicious and fake log in screen – entering your details will lead to your account being accessed and details shared. Its best you also delete this email straight away.



MailShark National Cyber Security 2015 Champion

MailShark National Cyber Security 2015 Champion1st October 2015 – MailShark today announced that it has become a Champion of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) 2015. It will be joining a growing global effort among colleges and universities, businesses, government agencies, associations, nonprofit organizations and individuals to promote online safety awareness.



Steph Kent
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