Man in New Zealand Loses $200,000 in Scam

Man in New Zealand Loses $200,000 in Scam reported on 26th February, 2015 stating that a West Coast (New Zealand) man who has lost $200,000 in an email scam had been comprehensively “trained” through Internet Email for a long period before he was cheated of his money. published news on 26th February, 2015 quoting Dan Keno, Detective Senior Sergeant of Greymouth (New Zealand) CIB (Criminal Investigation Branch) as saying “the man had reported the scam only now although it had occurred late last year.”

The man who is keeping his location secret, disclosed details to the scammers after initial contact through a series of reciprocal emails.

This had made possible for scammers to contact him in manners which looked genuine including a phone number which appeared to be from Auckland.

The officer stressed that people needed to be very careful about any email or message received from unknown person or source. published news on 25th February, 2015 quoting Mr. Keno as saying “Anyone giving an offer involving some financial gain for you may be a scammer. Unfortunately, they target trust and the greed of the people. No one can win million dollars in a lottery in which one did not participate and the Nigerian Bishop who wants to deposit his fortune in your account actually does not exist also.

Scammers used post, email, text messages and social networking along with any other suspicious communication should be reported to the Department of internal Affairs.

He said that many scams looked genuine.

He said that it was very unlikely that a victim of this scam would get their money back.

Experts analyzed the scam email and commented that it is important to be aware of the different types of scams going around especially if you use email or mobile phone because scammers will do anything to rip you off.

You should never open emails which come from unknown or suspicious source and if an email asks for personal information, then never give in. If an email contains a link, hover your mouse on it to find if it relates to the email. Experts stressed recommending some simple tips like always try to verify the authenticity of any email by independent means (like in the above case).

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