Coles Gift Voucher Competition Scam

Coles Gift Voucher Competition Scam

Coles, another Australian supermarket chain, has also been a target of gift voucher scams this week. The only difference in this email is they have positioned it as a competition. The competition and gift voucher are not real – it is an attempt to infect your computer with malware. Delete this email immediately.

Figure A is an example of the email in question. You will notice it is a similar plain design we have been seeing with these gift card/voucher scam emails. The subject line reads ”Your $750 Coles voucher is ready”. The clear spelling mistake in the 2nd line is a major indication of the emails malicious intentions. This gift voucher is said to be a competition. Do not click the green call-to-action button reading “Check it Out!” and do not click to unsubscribe from the list – both links will lead you to a malicious website.

MailShark Coles Gift Voucher Competition Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Woolworths, also an Australian supermarket chain, were also targeted with a gift card scam recently. Be wary of opening any emails similar to this one. Gift card scams are on the rise. Stay safe and delete any suspicious looking emails from your inbox.

Steph Kent
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