Free Tarot Reading Scam

Free Tarot Reading Scam

A free tarot reading scam has been caught by MailShark spam filters offering ‘free’ psychic services. This email is different to most we report on as instead of infecting your computer with malware, it looks to be scamming your money for their services. It is branded to look as though it has come from a website called “Easy Psychics”, which looks to be a real business but we cannot say anything about their credibility.

Tarot reading uses a pack of cards to give a psychic reading. Keep reading to find out more and as usual, it’s best to play it safe and delete this one from your inbox.

Figure A is a copy of the free tarot reading scam email. It is well branded and eye-catching with a big pink call-to-action, saying “DRAW YOUR CARDS NOW” which will lead you to the malicious website. This email prays on those seeking love, money, employment or heartbreak help, as stated in the top line. The subject line of this email is “You have an urgent message” which is alarming and increases the receivers chance of opening it to read more.

The sender is shown as “Marina – 1day1offer” however the email address is in no way associated with the website it claims to be sent from and is clearly spam. There are several malicious links within this email – all of which will lead you to the same dangerous website which may attempt to take money for their services.

MailShark Free Tarot Reading Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

Figure B shows the website you will land on if you click any links within this tarot reading email. It is, again, well branded and enticing. It asks you a few questions relevant to the psychic reading you would like. It all looks to be free, however when reading the small text at the very bottom of the page you can see they are asking for money. Stay safe and avoid giving out your personal information (especially money related) on untrusted websites such as this.

MailShark You have an urgent message Tarot Reading Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

We strongly suggest deleting the email to avoid being tricked into reaching the final page and being asked for money. If you are interested in such services, do your research and find a trusted provider, especially before paying.

Steph Kent
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