Great Customer Aldi Gift Card Scam

Great Customer Aldi Gift Card Scam

A great customer gift in the form of an Aldi gift card is promoted in the latest email scam caught by MailShark spam filters. Aldi is a leading global discount supermarket chain with stores in over 18 countries giving this scam worldwide reach.

In Figure A you will see the great customer Aldi gift card scam in question. It is branded to suit Aldi but overall, is a poorly constructed email. It features pushy content, tacky call-to-actions, a lot of malicious links and promises a $500 Aldi gift card.

MailShark Great Customer Aldi Gift Card Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

The subject line reads, “Kate, great gift for a great customer!” – The receiver’s name (for example, Kate) is used to create a personalised approach. In the subject field you will see “Supermarket Aldi”, which is false since looking at the email address used, it is clearly spam and in no way associated with the official Aldi website.

All links (as shown in Figure A) will lead you to a malicious website which will attempt to infect your computer with malware. You can see a link’s destination without clicking on the link by simply hovering your mouse over the link for a few seconds.

Figure B is a safely captured copy of the malicious website you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. This website appears almost identical to the original email.

MailShark Great gift for a great customer Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

This is a scam tactic which has been noticed more regularly over the last few weeks. Its purpose is to trick and confuse you into believing you didn’t click properly and therefore get you to click again.

Clicking again (anywhere on this page) will lead to your computer being infected with malware. Your computer and data will be in great danger.

MailShark encourages you to delete this email and any similar emails that reach your inbox prior to opening them. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

To ensure your inbox is kept safe from email spam, we strongly suggest using a spam filter like MailShark and running your anti-virus software regularly.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
Free anti-spam service
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