Loan Offer Email Phishing for Your Information

Loan Offer Email Phishing for Your Information

How likely do you think it is to get a random loan offer reach your personal inbox from a man you’ve never heard of? The odds are basically impossible. An offer of money is an old trick in the spamming world. If you receive this “LOAN OFFER” email from a “Mr John Snow” delete it immediately, the email is phishing for your personal information.

In Figure A you will see the contents of the loan offer email. It states the sender would like to offer you a loan but first requires some of your personal information which they want you to reply with. Do not reply to this email – it is a trap to phish for your information which they will use to scam you in a number of ways.

The chances of any email of this nature being legitimate are very low. Notice the generic greeting, poor grammar, and overall feeling the email portrays. The information they are asking for may seem harmless, but for a scammer to have it proves a dangerous combination. Do not reply to this email or provide any of your personal data over the internet, especially to an unknown source.

MailShark Loan Offer Email Phishing For Your Information
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

We advise you do not open this email if it reaches your inbox and delete it immediately. Most importantly, do not reply to the suspicious sender with your personal information.

Steph Kent
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