Phishing email says Verify Account Now

Phishing email says Verify Account Now

We received an odd phishing email today. Odd in that we can’t quite work out whom the criminals are targeting. But as there is an Apple icon located on the right hand side (the far, far right hand side) and the email looks like it is from Apple, so we’ll go with Apple users. You’ll see what we mean by far, far right hand side when you read on.

We have reproduced a chopped up version of the email as Figure A. The actual email we received is shown as Figure B. There are large chunks of white space in Figure B. Overall, the email gives the impression that it is cobbled together from bits and pieces. The subject line of the email is shown as “Verify Now Your Account”, whilst the sender of the email is listed as “[Apple Store]”. The email greeting is “Dear Valued Customer”. There is one Apple type icon present in the right hand corner.

MailShark Phishing email says verify account now
Figure A – Click to Enlarge
MailShark Phishing email says verify account now full
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

The reason for the email is apparently due to the user’s account being limited as a consequence of “non-legal activity”. Or it might be due to some “security reasons”. Irrespective, the email goes on to explain that you will need to click on a link in the email. The link in the email has the text “Update Your Account”. We suspect the final sentence “If you need additional help, contact Support” might have been intended to have a link to the word Support, but no such link is present. There is only one link in the email. The email signs off with “Support Sincerely”.

Despite the fact that the email looks like it is addressed to Apple users, the copyright notice at the foot of the email seems to apply to Groupon.

Irrespective of whether this email is aimed at Apple users or at Groupon users, it is a fake email. For most native English speakers the grammar of the email will raise red flags immediately. There are a few other flags. The email is not personalised is one. Checking the link shows that it leads to a phishing site that is a crude copy of the Apple site. Crude or not, phishing sites can still harvest victims.

Delete this email if you receive it.

Scott Reeves
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