Test and Keep Nespresso Machine Email Scam
MailShark spam filters have caught a new scam email which offers the receiver the opportunity to test and keep a new Nespresso Pixie coffee machine. As usual, do not click any links and delete the email if received. This is an attempt to infect your computer with malware.
Figure A shows the email’s contents. It is very plain with a single call-to-action button in green, which encourages the receiver to click the button to claim the prize. The subject line reads “Test the new Nespresso Pixie and keep the Nespresso machine” and the sender is shown as “Nespresso testpanel” – however when looking closer at the sender’s email it is in no way associated with the official Nespresso website.
There are 3 dangerous links in this email including the 2 unsubscribe links. Do not click any of them. This email is designed to get you to click through to the malicious website in any way possible, so you will land on the deceiving web page which will entice you to answer survey questions to ultimately infect your computer with malware.
Figure B is a screenshot we were able to safety capture of the website you would land on if any link in this email is clicked. It features a testimonial to give you confidence in the offer and even has fake terms and conditions for the competition at the bottom. It also states only 4 more volunteers are needed to push you to click through yet again. The biggest danger on this page is the questionnaire. Clicking any further on this website will put your computer at even more risk of a malicious attachment.
Stay safe and delete this email from your inbox if received. It is a trick and an attack on your computer and its data.
Steph Kent
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Thankyou for telling me i been getting lots of these email and they all turned out to be a scam