Unclaimed Apple iPhone 6 Scam

Unclaimed Apple iPhone 6 Scam

A malicious unclaimed Apple iPhone 6 scam email has been caught by MailShark spam filters. It claims to offer the phone as a prize and uses advanced scam tactics.

Apple is an American multinational technology company with devices and software used worldwide. The iPhone 6 is one of their newest mobile phone products which was released in 2014.

Figure A shows the unclaimed Apple iPhone 6 scam email in question. It is well branded and features advanced tactics such as GIF imagery and an automatically filled out call to action to increase clicks.

MailShark Unclaimed Apple iPhone 6 Scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

The email claims you simply need to check your delivery address for a chance to win. Your email address (in black throughout the email for privacy reasons) is auto-filled and the call-to-action reads “I confirm my details”. Do not click this button or anywhere else within this email.

The subject line reads “Unclaimed package: Apple iPhone 6”, which attracts the receiver’s attention. The sender is shown as “Sheila Jonsson”, this is most likely an attempt at a personalised approach, however the email address used is spam and in no way associated with the official Apple website.

This email is longer than most scam attempts we see and features multiple malicious links. There are also fake competition details included at the bottom of the email in an attempt to trick more receivers.

All of the links within the email (image or text) are dangerous and will lead you to a website which will attempt to infect your computer with malware. It will be successful if your computer is not protected with anti-virus and/or anti-malware software.

Figure B shows the website you will land on if any links within the email are clicked. It is branded completely differently and introduces new offers and prizes.

MailShark Unclaimed package Apple iPhone 6 Visit Website
Figure B – Click to Enlarge

The form to the right is the most dangerous aspect of the page, because if filled out your PC or device will be infected with malware. Avoid clicking anywhere on this web page – everything is fake and risks an infection.

If you’ve received an email of this nature in your Inbox, MailShark strongly suggests you delete it without opening it as you will not win any prizes, but instead be infected with a nasty malware virus.

If you’d like to report this email to Apple directly, Apple have an information and Scam reporting page located here:


which will allow Apple to track down the culprits and take action against them.

Where in the world did the bulk of this Email come from?

Check out our Global Spam Sources page, for a World map of spam sources.

Steph Kent
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