Westfield chance to win email is a scam

Westfield chance to win email is a scam

Yesterday we received a sample of another email scam; this one is an email that imitates Westfield. The email informs the recipient that they have been selected for a chance to win $2000 in Westfield shopping vouchers.

MailShark Westfield chance to win email is a scam
Figure A – Click to Enlarge

The email is as shown in Figure A. The scammers have added a personalised greeting (which we have blacked out). The subject line of the email is

“Westfield choose you for receive a shopping spree with $2,000 in Gift Cards.”

The body of the email is straightforward enough; offering the recipient the chance to win $2000 of gift vouchers. All the recipient need do is click on a button.

There are two other buttons, one being an unsubscribe button and the other being a display images button. Right down at the bottom of the email is a hint that it is not genuine. The line is an opt-out line fixed to the bottom of most emails. It reads:

“You are receiving this message because of you subscribed in AdviceMe if you want to unsubscribed please click here”.

A couple of slip ups in grammar are evident in the last line. The subject line of the email also shows a couple of slips. Mousing over each of the links goes to a site that is a phishing site. The site is still active at the time of writing.

This phish refers to an alleged competition that started on 10/12/2014. The scammers certainly time there campaigns well; once again they have chosen the festive season to attempt to steal credit card details. If you do receive this email, delete it.

Scott Reeves
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